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I am a medium, intuitive coach and shamanic healer with an innate ability to communicate with loved ones who have crossed over.
Regardless of the subject matter from relationships, personal development, or finances. I will tune into your spiritual energy to provide you with an in-depth reading that will offer you help you find your path.
I am bilingual. I can read in both Spanish and English.

Jun 11, 20217 min read
Life's hacks!!
Life brings about so many amazing opportunities and challenges. What we focus on is what is created more of. Often times we run from the...
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Nov 1, 20204 min read
Wow it's been a minute!!
Where do I even start? So much has happened since I last made a blog! There is so much to talk about so let's just start with this Blue...
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Shaman Erica
Feb 28, 20192 min read
Download from Archangels
Here are the messages I received from Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael and Archangel Uriel: Michael: The world is changing,...
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Shaman Erica
Jan 8, 20193 min read
New Goals and Visions
How did your year start off? I have been doing a lot of transitions the past few months before the New Year to begin my year off in a...
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Shaman Erica
Sep 12, 20184 min read
Patience tested!
Hey loves!! I know I have been a bit disconnected from my blogs and emails but there is always a reason for everything. I have been...
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Shaman Erica
May 11, 20186 min read
Uncondition that S****
So many of us are looking for permission to change our lives and we don’t realize that the permission we seek... is within our hearts. My...
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Shaman Erica
Apr 18, 20182 min read
Oftentimes, we make up stories in our minds that cause us to make up perspectives of situations. What we store in our mindset from the...
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Shaman Erica
Mar 14, 20184 min read
Managing My Energy
Many of us do not even realize how thin we spread our energy because we’re overworking ourselves. I have been reflecting on this myself,...
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Shaman Erica
Feb 14, 20185 min read
So many things are changing in my life... before change would have been resisted, but I am in a place in my life where change is...
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Shaman Erica
Jan 20, 20183 min read
How do your words cause lack in your life
Have you ever listened to what comes out of your mouth... and reflect to change it? Many times we are saying things that are very...
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Shaman Erica
Dec 9, 20173 min read
Rising Up!!
The holidays can (at sometimes) bring us mixed emotions such as anxiety, depression, feeling down... and many more. It is a very...
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Shaman Erica
Nov 22, 20174 min read
Let's begin with...what is gratitude? Let’s identify what the word means. Google defines the word as... “the quality or feeling of being...
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Shaman Erica
Oct 24, 20173 min read
Mindset Work
As I sit here watching my children play and laugh in the park, it brings so much joy and comfort to my soul. We go through life always...
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Shaman Erica
Oct 10, 20173 min read
Why do I feel like I don't deserve it?
Many people go through life feeling like they do not deserve to be happy, free, loving, supported, and in the state of joy. I know I have...
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Shaman Erica
Sep 10, 20174 min read
Death comes in many forms to people. It can be someone’s awakening, it can be someone’s worst nightmare, and it can be someone’s life...
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Shaman Erica
Sep 2, 20174 min read
Why That Did Not Stop Me
Many of you probably do not know that I had a child at 16, two weeks before I turned 17. I was still in high school, it was my senior...
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Shaman Erica
Aug 23, 20173 min read
Why Can I Not Show Up Sometimes?
How many of us struggle with trying to be a strong and confident person? What is holding you down and blocking you? We hold onto so many...
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Shaman Erica
Jul 27, 20173 min read
Empowering Yourself in Your Life
Let’s talk about what power means based on Google, this is what I found. It is “the ability to do something or act in a particular way,...
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Shaman Erica
Jul 9, 20174 min read
Clairsentience | Sensing
Clairsentience is when you can feel someone else’s feeling such as if they are mad, sad, angry, happy, frustrated or overwhelmed. You can...
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Shaman Erica
Jun 19, 20173 min read
My Invision Work
I have been working a lot on some inner work and healing some past issues that I didn’t even know was an issue for me. I started to work...
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